Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I am melting....... NOT

The past week the Central Virginia has been under a heat advisory.  Normal people would complain, but not me.  I am one of the lucky few that gets to put out countless $$$ into the maintenance and upkeep of my backyard pool.  I guess that means on days like this I have to float around the pool, watching my kids jump in and enjoy the H2O.  I guess it could be worse.  Last year around this time (meaning the last heat wave with advisories) my central air conditioning died.  I borrowed a window unit from Grandma so the poor kiddos with Asthma could sleep while I  melted in bed, buck naked with fans blowing on me. I guess that my suffering has been redeemed.  If you wanna come over for a dip just give me a call....

Monday, May 23, 2011

To NIS or not to NIS that is the ???

I do not usually blog technical crap but today I will make the exception.  I recently had to deploy a NIS domain on dual IP-ed network.  I buried the NIS servers on the non-public domain (Yeah I was thinking 'bout security).  Since we do not have a DNS replication server locally, the NIS servers are NOT visible on the in the DNS domain.  Ironically, all functions that touched NIS authentication where slow as molasses.  I have to send props out to Jason Armistead for finding my needle in the hay stack.  His contribution: DNS lookups and /etc/nsswitch.conf save my ass and fixed my problem.  Basically - since the NIS process was running with the -d option it forced the DNS lookups.  Since the servers could not see DNS they would wait for the time out (@45 seconds per transaction).  Basically- remove the /etc/resolv.conf and and restart NIS.  That works great!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Take your cup of tea and shove it!

Photo from
I have been a government employee for almost 11 years now.  I am too young to have been affected by the '96 shutdown.  I will be at work on Monday reguardless of the status since I am excepted.  Just for the record, people need to step back and take a look where you live.  America is the best place as far a quality of life.  I wonder why?  Government legislation maybe?  There is a point there enought is enough and there should be a line drawn.  The problem is that every asshole in the world has an opinion on where that line should be (Including Me!).  <Two cents>  Flat Tax for all.  Make it a graduated fair rate.  Give the states subsidies and let them spend them.  Get rid of the tax code thus eliminating the need for loopholes.  Spend what you take in or less.  Save some for a war or any other Oh Shit moment.  Everyone else can take your Tea and shove it!< End Two Cents> Have a nice day :-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I palmed a cute chick!

I was sitting at my desk yesterday when this cute chick came by.  Out here in farm country there are a few times a year when the local "Feed Store" sells livestock to the General Public.  Parents - do not buy your kids chicks or bunnys over Easter.  Stastically there ar more abandoned bunnies at the SPCA during the month of May each year.  Just stop by there next month and adopt one for free.  I have three bunny cages I can donate to the cause.  Just email me....LOL

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Feet in Your Face!

Ode to be a kid in the summer time swinging barefooted with the breeze in your hair.  The picture reminds me of the past when I was care free without the worries of Mortgages, Government Furloughs and all of the other drama that keeps me up at night. I will say without a doubt that one of the great pleasures of my day is spending the few hours of daylight watching my kids giggle and play in the yard.  I am blessed with chalk drawings covered with XOXO-s and lap monkeys.  Jealous? You should be!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Money Matter!

On April 8, 2011 the last of several budget extension set by our great lawmakers is set to expire.  The last government shutdown was more than 15 years ago. I am all for the trimming of the budget.  I understand lean government and fiscal responsibility.  I do not think that I understand why the legislators believe their inability to reach a common ground would ever justify putting American Family in a financial crisis.  Considering most Congressmen and Senators have a financial net worth at or above 1 Million dollars my be the reason?  Go Figure? ( ...Just in case you think I am talking out of my A$$!)

Ode to be a cat!

I have two tuxedo cats, Socks and Oreo.  After adopting them more than a year ago, I still cannot regularly tell them apart (much to my hubby's disappointment).  As you can tell by this picture of a sunbathing cat, it pretty good in the Barb household for the pets at least. I can say that since the  cat is sitting on my kitchen counter top in the one patch of sun that is creeping through my window on my new Corian counter tops.  You can tell by the "Yeah - So What" smirk on her face that she owns the house.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Give me some juice!

Jerry Day Mason
Growing up I was never an artistic, musical or overly athletic person.  I will have to admit as I grew to adulthood it was obvious that my unique talent was my brains.  Not saying that my Aunt Jerry (inset on the left) is not intelligent by any means.  I do beleive that she sucked up most of the artsy fartsy juice from the family when she was born though.  She paints, plays music and acts still all the the age of 92 ( almost 92 at least).  I love her dearly and hope she will leave me her artsy fartsy juice in her will after she passes and she no longer needs it.  Thank the lord I am smart enough to sling code and make computer work.  That seem profitable enough these days!  BTW .. I love my Aunt Jerry!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Heads in the Clouds!

On a recent flight from Richmond VA to Denver CO I snapped this picture from the airplane window.  Looking over the cloud deck to the striking blue atmosphere made me feel very small.  God is great.... I took four flights on that trip and they all landed safely on the terra firma.  Amen!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is this your life?

Every once in a while I get the great pleasure & privilege to jump in a car and drive up to our nation's Capitol (Washington DC (Just in case there was one person out there saying...What city is that?))  For the record, no one person should try this alone! But for the simple fact that if your dumb ass is on the road between O'dark thirty and 09:00 am your view is like the one provided here to the left by the kind people at .  I just sayin'.....Use the damn  HOV lane or your trip will take half of your waking hours.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Today Sucks!

Did you ever have a day that just would never end?  I guess that I should not complain since I am truly blessed in most facets of my life.  I sat down today to attempt to explain all the drama that has existed in my life to a perfect stranger in the hopes that my current security clearance will remain intact that coupled with a GRUB .97 User's Manual.  I feel like the angry black lady's picture to the right here.  My brain hurts.