Monday, May 23, 2011

To NIS or not to NIS that is the ???

I do not usually blog technical crap but today I will make the exception.  I recently had to deploy a NIS domain on dual IP-ed network.  I buried the NIS servers on the non-public domain (Yeah I was thinking 'bout security).  Since we do not have a DNS replication server locally, the NIS servers are NOT visible on the in the DNS domain.  Ironically, all functions that touched NIS authentication where slow as molasses.  I have to send props out to Jason Armistead for finding my needle in the hay stack.  His contribution: DNS lookups and /etc/nsswitch.conf save my ass and fixed my problem.  Basically - since the NIS process was running with the -d option it forced the DNS lookups.  Since the servers could not see DNS they would wait for the time out (@45 seconds per transaction).  Basically- remove the /etc/resolv.conf and and restart NIS.  That works great!!!