Saturday, August 30, 2014

Education Prevents Baldness, Not!

I know that I have been pretty quite here for a while preparing for the next school year, Girl Scouts, life and family.  This morning I got to sleep in and take a break. Most people that know me are aware that about forty percent of my free time is given to community.  Usually it is split between Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Church  and a few other (Habitat for Humanity, Feed America, etc) important causes when the opportunity arises.

  I was surfing Facebook drinking my tea and I came across an article in Forbes Online about Locks of Love.   I have always been a mental supporter of the charity.  I say this because my hair sucks!  I have always had flat lifeless unmanageable hair.  The best I can say is according the "Pony Tail Angle of Attach Vs Intelligence" is that I am above average.  Dying and perming are my salvation because they add a little body to my hair.  That eliminates me from the donation process.

As I read the article my heart is sadden by the facts presented.  I will not repeat them all here but encourage you to investigate on your own.  I will let you know that Forbes does provide some alternate charities that are more transparent with their financial and benefit information.

Wigs for Kids 
Children with Hair Loss
 Wigs 4 Kids

If you have really bad hair then I suggest that you to a full reboot and organize a fundraiser for St Baldrick's Foundation.  Bottom line, research the charity before you donate.  If there is no transparency then lower your ponytail and use your above average intelligence!

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